Submission Presentation Guide
Step 1
Register for the meeting at Eventbrite on or before April 12th. Use the registration form to indicate that you will be submitting a presentation. Students will be asked which type of presentation you will submit (oral or poster/video), and your draft title. This does not have to be your final title, just a general topic; we will use these titles only for purposes of grouping presenters into topical sessions.
Step 2
After April 12th, all registered presenters will receive an email containing a link to upload their presentation materials. Each student presenter will have two files to upload, in accordance with the deadlines listed above: abstract and slides, OR poster and video. Both files must be uploaded by the stated deadlines in order to remain eligible for the student competition.
Please name your files as follows: [Last name][First Initial(s)]_[type].
Oral abstract: SpakesRichterB_Abstract.docx
Oral slides: SpakesRichterB_Slides.pptx
Poster abstract: SpakesRichterB_Poster.pdf
Video: SpakesRichterB_Video.mp4
Step 3
All presenters will be provided with training on the Teams platform and meeting layout, so that you know what to expect on meeting day. Watch your inbox for further details!